
Thursday, October 1, 2020

4 Tips to Sell More Cars Online Now From a Ford Dealer In Madras, OR


Selling cars is tough work, but it doesn’t have to be. The Internet can make selling cars much easier as long as you know how to use it, which is why optimizing your online presence as a car seller will help your business become even more successful.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when working with car buying websites to establish your dealership.

Show Better Content

Content is what gets potential customers to know about your car dealership, but good content is what makes them look twice and reconsider. When you’re sending photos to a car buying service, make sure that you’re sending high quality photos that highlight the car’s best features. You’ll want to make the cars look good so that people will want to buy them.

Remember that you’re not just selling a car: you’re also selling the idea of having one. How you advertise your car is just as important as the features of the car itself. For example, instead of just saying “This car has six seats”, you can add “This car is perfect for a happy family”.

Talk with Your Buyer

Selling cars online doesn’t mean having an automated response to every single question that a buyer may have. Customers will still want to talk to a person in case they have clarifications to make. High-quality customer service is where great dealerships win over their competition.

Make sure that, when using a car-buying service and linking with a lead, you’ll be able to respond to their queries quickly and effectively. In an online setting, good customer service is what could turn a negotiation into a sale in more ways than one. Things like quick responses and thoughtful replies can make the online customer experience a satisfying one. Ideally, this satisfied customer will generate enough word-of-mouth promotion to get your dealership up and running.

Sweeten the Deal

If you want your dealership to really stand out from the others, you can offer freebies with every purchase. These freebies can be anything, from exclusive products to a monthly car check-up. Offering these freebies make it all the more enticing for buyers to do business with you.

If you opt to offer freebies with purchases, you can also seasonalize them. For example, a Ford dealership in Madras, OR could offer a free set of windshield wipers during the state’s rainy season. Yet offering freebies won’t do anything if your potential customers don’t know about them, so be sure to advertise your offers as widely as possible.

Ask for Reviews

The only way to prove that you’re a trusted and competent car dealer, especially when operating online, is to have good reviews. These will significantly impact how people view your dealership. Having good reviews means that your previous clients can attest to the fact that you can deliver a great service.

Remember to ask for a review after every successful deal. If your dealership is only just starting with online selling, it’s a good idea to reach out to previous satisfied customers to vouch for you on your website or social media handles.

Of course, getting positive reviews means doing beyond the bare minimum as a seller. Customers are more likely to give good reviews after receiving exceptional service and a couple of freebies. These will make it easy for them to recommend you to their friends, and therefore easier for you to sell more cars online.

These are just a few things that you can do right now to make online car dealing easy. If you want to know more, make sure to check out TS&S Ford for more helpful tips!